Jeffrey Rovell & Associates, Inc.
Jeff's Client List

Jeff has worked with clients specializing in many kinds of health care and medical technology, from surgical instruments to skin care and orthopedic products.

Jeff says: "I've had some of my clients for five, ten, fifteen, even twenty years. I like to use the word 'association' to describe the relationships I develop with my clients — like a good friendship, my association with a company doesn't end with distance or time. Every new client draws upon the network of clients I've built, and at any time one of my older clients might create a partnership with a new client."

Jeff's clients have included:

Becton Dickinson Ophthalmic
Boston Scientific Corp.
Cochlear Corporation
DEKA Research & Development
Fossa Medical
Frantz Medical Development
Henry Schein
INVIRO Medical Devices
Johnson & Johnson Development Corp.
Johnson Matthey
London International Group
McNeil Johnson and Johnson
The Medtech Group
Orthovita Inc.
Pfizer Hospital Products Group
Product Genesis
Savant Instruments
Smith and Nephew
SSL International / Regent Medical
Spencer Technologies
Stryker Howmedica
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems
Texas Instruments
Vaso Products
Wahl Clipper